Best Practice Guide for Biomolecular QM/MM simulations with CP2K
As part of my work in the BioExcel-2 project at the EPCC, I co-wrote a best practice guide on how to perform QM/MM simulations of biomolecules using CP2K. We provided an overview of the main steps in setting up and running a QM/MM simulation in CP2K. We cover steps starting from preparing your system to running a production QM/MM run. This BPG is designed to be read from the point of view of beginner users.
A Best Practice Guide for Biomolecular QM/MM simulations with CP2K for beginners
Here is the link: Best Practice Guide for Biomolecular QM/MM simulations with CP2K
Authors: Dr Holly Judge, Dr Salome Llabres and Dr Arno Proeme
A set of tools to set up simulations in QM/MM using CP2K
Also, I developed a set of python3 tools to deal with the set up of CP2K simulations.
Here you have the link to the Bioexcel repository
This repository contains the following scripts:
This script converts CP2K restart file to GROMACS files. It needs parmed.
$ python3 -h
Usage: cp2krestart2gromacs [options] infile outfile
Converts CP2K restart file to GROMACS format (including velocities).
positional arguments:
infile CP2K restart file
outfile basename for gromacs files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v show program's version number and exit
This script collects atom indexes outlined in the QM region and link atoms of a CP2K input file and writes a GROMACS NDX file for each QM region and for Link atoms.
$ python3 -h
Usage: [options] cp2kinputfile
writes a &QM_KIND section of CP2K given a PDB file
positional arguments:
inp The CP2K input file to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v show program's version number and exit
This script reads a PDB containing the QM region and writes the atom indexes in the CP2K input format.
$ python3 -h
Usage: [options] pdbfile
writes a &QM_KIND section of CP2K given a PDB file
positional arguments:
pdb The pdb to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v show program's version number and exit
I hope you find them useful!